
Why is Tricentis the go-to testing platform for SAP testing? Simple as 1-2-3-4

Tricentis SAP solution

Learn how to speed up SAP testing with a AI-driven, end-to-end continuous testing platform.


Markku Riihonen

Senior Product Marketing Manager

Date: Mar. 26, 2024

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. The partnership between SAP and Tricentis makes Tricentis the go-to platform for SAP testing, and this image from a Tricentis Roadshow session with Marc Thier, SVP Application Lifecycle Management at SAP, sums it up quite nicely: SAP loves Tricentis!

Since the partnership was established in 2020, hundreds of global enterprises using SAP solutions have adopted Tricentis testing applications to help accelerate and de-risk their business transformations. Tricentis has become the fastest growing SAP Solution Extensions partner ever, with 2023 marking a record year for the partnership.

Why join forces with SAP?

Now that digital transformation has become a do-or-die proposition for most organizations, SAP has become much more than an ERP system. The SAP digital core is the central nervous system for the intelligent enterprise, and taking full advantage of digital transformation opportunities involves migrating to S/4HANA and moving SAP workloads to the cloud.

This is a seismic shift. It promises to yield immense benefits, but a significant amount of change is required, especially for organizations with a lot of custom code and integrations. And while a migration project might have a discrete completion date, the change never stops. SAP will continue to release new innovations at an unprecedented pace –- on their schedule, not yours.

Traditional manual testing methods and intense post-release hypercare periods don’t cut it here. They’re not comprehensive and accurate enough to test massive shifts like S/4HANA migrations, and they’re just too slow for the new pace of innovation.

In the days of on-premise implementations, customers who could not test updates fast enough could always defer updates as needed — and thus fall further and further behind. Now that updates are rolled out automatically and frequently, this is no longer an option. For example, S/4HANA Cloud updates are issued continuously with a narrow window for testing before the changes go live. And continuous change requires continuous testing.

SAP recognized that a new approach to testing would be vital for helping its customers to

  • reduce the time and risk of adopting modern platforms such as S/4HANA and cloud-based offerings like the SAP Business Technology Platform, and
  • keep up with the accelerated pace of updates.

SAP sought a strong partner who had a proven record of success helping enterprises accelerate testing across and beyond SAP, and the strongest partner they found was Tricentis. As Thier put it, “This partnership agreement is unprecedented in the ALM space –- it’s a once-in-a-decade announcement. Together, we will help ensure that the adoption of SAP software is accelerated, customers get the most out of their SAP solutions, and costs for continuous testing of cloud and hybrid landscapes are significantly reduced.”

Tricentis and SAP development teams collaborate extremely closely to ensure that we offer unmatched support for testing SAP innovations as they’re released. Users of Tricentis solutions can expect seamless integrations, easier testing, and more powerful automation across extended SAP capabilities.

Three core benefits of Tricentis SAP testing

Thousands of SAP users around the world are already relying on Tricentis to accelerate their SAP initiatives. These include users in some of the biggest SAP shops in the world, spanning a variety of industries: financial services, manufacturing, energy/utilities, retail, and more. We’ve helped these users achieve the following 3 core benefits:

  1. 10x faster testing speeds. Our customers are making weekly (even daily) releases a reality and turbocharging their SAP innovation.
  2. 90% risk reduction. We’re helping enterprises keep their business running during their SAP transformations, minimizing disruption and eliminating the need for hypercare.
  3. 50% cost savings. Customers are seeing testing costs shrink by 50% or more; for large enterprises this results in millions of dollars saved per year.


Four key questions to answer for each SAP release

How do we help users achieve these core benefits? By answering the following four core questions with each release:

  1. Where is the risk (what to test)?
  2. Does it work?
  3. Does it perform?
  4. Is the data correct?


Having the right tools to answer these questions allows you to test and release much faster, more accurately, and more cost-effectively than you ever could with traditional testing methods. This is where Tricentis’ best-of-breed, AI-driven, business-friendly, end-to-end continuous testing solutions come into play. SAP Solution Extensions by Tricentis help organizations ensure the reliability, performance, and quality of their SAP implementations by enabling efficient and automated testing processes, contributing to the overall success and effectiveness of SAP solutions within an organization’s IT landscape.

Question 1: Where is the risk (what to test)?

Tricentis LiveCompare with SAP Change Impact Analysis analyzes your SAP systems and how they’re used in production. AI-powered change impact analysis pinpoints the risks with any change to your SAP system, identifying exactly what to test. This way, you don’t waste valuable time and resources testing things that didn’t change –- and frankly don’t matter. On average, customers using LiveCompare achieve an 85% reduction in the number of tests to run.

Question 2: Does it work?

Tricentis Tosca with SAP Enterprise Continuous Testing automates end-to-end regression testing across SAP and non-SAP systems. Once LiveCompare identifies what to test, it tells Tosca which tests to run to ensure a zero-defect release. This makes your testing 10x faster while ensuring your business processes will work after the changes are deployed to production.

Question 3: Does it perform?

Tricentis NeoLoad with SAP Enterprise Performance Testing provides on-demand load testing for all browser-based SAP applications. This tells you whether updated apps will scale or grind to a halt when too many people try to use them. In addition to supporting traditional load testing approaches (testing at the protocol level), we also enable you to test at the browser level, which is a much faster, simpler, and more resilient way to assess a realistic user experience at scale.

Question 4: Is the data correct?

Tricentis Data Integrity with SAP Enterprise Data Integrity Testing maintains the accuracy of your data and helps improve quality — wherever your data travels and whatever happens to it on its journey. With better data quality at scale, you can make better decisions, get more reliable processes, and drive differentiated customer experiences, enabling you to increase market share and revenue while reducing risk and costs. Catch more data errors upfront, reduce your data management gap, and increase confidence in your data.

And there you have it. With Tricentis you can innovate and modernize your SAP-driven business at unprecedented speed and confidence by adopting a quality-first mindset — all the while enjoying efficiencies that allow you to reinvest the savings into new innovations. Tricentis truly is the go-to platform for SAP testing. SAP loves Tricentis, and like with any good marriage, Tricentis loves SAP back.

Want to learn more about how to align quality engineering to SAP Activate? Check out our short on-demand webinar SAP + Tricentis: Aligning a quality-first mindset to SAP Activate.

Originally written in 2020, this post has been updated to reflect new capabilities in SAP testing.

Tricentis SAP solution

Learn how to speed up SAP testing with a AI-driven, end-to-end continuous testing platform.


Markku Riihonen

Senior Product Marketing Manager

Date: Mar. 26, 2024

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